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Research paper:

Experimentation-as-a-Service for Validating 5G Use Cases in a Large-Scale 5G Platform

The journey to 5G commercialization hinges on validating key use cases that deliver value for both mobile operators and vertical stakeholders.

To accelerate this process, industry stakeholders must build a robust 5G platform with the scale, reliability, and advanced capabilities of commercial 5G to test and validate 5G services and beyond.

In this paper Emblasoft and partners propose an Experiment-as-a-Service (EaaS) framework that offers a systematic approach to testing, featuring four key service types: integration, functional, performance, and security testing. With the iCORA platform (innovative, Cloud-native, Open, Robust, and Automated) – we show how large-scale 5G experimentation can be realised.

Download the research paper to see how our EaaS framework adapts the flexible and diverse iCORA network to meet diverse demands and tailor support for KPIs across verticals.